August 4, 2014
Mother-to-be very soon!
July 28, 2014
nice and quiet - exactly the way I like it!
Very soon I will be able to scream my life changing news to the world... but for now... a recap of my nice and quiet weekend.
I drove Bidou and his dad to the airport. Bidou is travelling to Peru for work and decided to bring his Dad along for the week. He surprised him last weekend with a plane ticket for his 74th birthday. Needless to say that his Dad was so moved and speechless when he opened up the the gift.
After dropping them off at the airport, I decided to get a pedi. I usually go to a high end spa near my place but decided to drop in to those quick fix mani/pedi places and I was very impressed their service and they charge half half price on what I usually pay. I will definitely be going back there!
A couple of months ago, I heard that a Panera Bread had opened up in Ottawa (and happy to state that they have been slowly popping up a bit all over Ontario). I love their broccoli and cheddar soup so decided to give the Canadian Panera Bread a try. So so good.... and I confirm that it tastes the same as the American one. :)
Sunday's are made to relax and that is what is exactly what I did! I sat on my over stuffed couch and read all afternoon with Kloé by my side.
July 24, 2014
My 4 month hiatus is over...
The last time I posted was exactly 4 months ago... March 24th, 2014. I can't believe that 4 months ago there was a blizzard outside and today... it is sunny and hot... love the Quebec's distinctive seasons.
Actually, this morning I woke and decided that I wanted to start blogging again! And what triggered this desire to start blogging again, you may ask?? Bidou and I got amazing news last week... a new chapter in our lives will be starting... we have been waiting 10 years to this day to come...
Excited??? I know that I am!
More to come very very soon - I hope!!!
P.S. I need a new blog design now!! :)

March 24, 2014
March 20, 2014
no hunter boots for me and new challenge!
Yesterday was Day 19 of my 10,000 steps a day challenge where I challenged myself to walk 10,000 steps a day for 21 consecutive days to earn the right to buy myself a pair of Hunter boots. You can read about my pledge here!
So far I should have walked 190,000 steps but have only walked 163,748 steps. I am 26,252 steps behind schedule. So this means that I would need to walk 23,126 steps a day for the next 2 days and there is no way that I will accomplish it! Therefore, challenged FAILED and NO Hunter boots for me!!! I am blaming this failure on a number of things but my number one reason is the weather! This winter has been brutal.
March 19, 2014
my love for pandora
The obsession started many years ago. I remember the first time I saw one, I just knew that I NEEDED the bracelet with many charms. I even picked up the pamphlet and gave it to Bidou in hopes that he would catch on and purchase one for our upcoming weeding anniversary. It never happened until Christmas 2011. I was actually in total shock when I received it because I had given up hope of ever owning one!
I LOVE and CHERISH my Pandora bracelet! Every charm I own has a meaning.
This weekend Epochs (where the Pandora jewellery is sold in my area) is holding an amazing sale. When purchasing for more than $125 you receive the Pandora bangle for free. The bangle has been on my wishlist for a while, therefore, I think I will be going all out... and getting myself a couple of new charms over the weekend!!
March 3, 2014
my home ~ gatineau, quebec
I was born, raised, went to school and lived throughout most of my young adult life in Gatineau, Quebec. In 2005, I married a Canadian Army Officer and we moved a little bit all over. When Bidou retired from the army in 2011, we decided that we needed to settle some roots and we moved back to my home town of Gatineau in the province of Québec.
I love that we have very distinct seasons in Gatineau. It is very hot and humid in the summer. We have great foliage in the fall. We have tons of snow and freezing weather (actually, I am so ready to move on... to spring) in the winter then the spring brings rain and the flowers start to bloom.
I love that you can find poutine at every street corner in Gatineau and in any city throughout Quebec! Poutine is made up of french fries, brown gravy and cheese curds and it is immensely fattening and good!
I love that Starbucks cafes have FINALLY arrived in Gatineau. I can now enjoy my favorite hot beverage within a 5 minute drive from my house.
I love that Gatineau is just across the river from Canada's National Capital. Who can guess what city I am referring to?
I love that my entire family (my Daddy, my sister, my brother and their families) lives in Gatineau.
I love that in Gatineau I can run into friends/family/acquaintances whenever I eat out in a restaurant, go shopping at the mall, attend a sporting event etc. There is always someone I know!!
I love that Gatineau is the 4th biggest city in the province of Quebec and hosts many annual events like the hot air ballon festival.
and these are my
February 28, 2014
what does hunter boots, a fitbit and a goal have in common??
If you are wondering what Hunter Boots, a Fitbit and a Goal have in common... please read on....
I have had my Zip Fitbit since January 19th, 2014 and I have averaged 6,803 steps a day. When purchasing the device, I was aiming for 10,000 steps a day but it has been so darn cold and that is my excuse!
On yesterday's post, I mentioned that Bidou suggested to achieve a goal before buying the boots. I received some interesting goals, thanks folks! but decided to incorporate my Fitbit into this goal and to reward myself if I maintained a 10,000 step count a day for the next 21 days. I have heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, therefore, this is definitely a win-win situation!! Yesssss!!!
Starting tomorrow (March 1st, 2014), I need to average 10,000 steps in the next 21 days.... with this being said, if I achieved my set goal I will reward myself by buying a pair of Hunter boots.
I will need all of the encouragement, so please add my profile if you use the FitBit application.
So now I think you get the picture of the Hunter boots, the Fitbit and the goal???

February 27, 2014
my life this week
- New follower alert! I would like to welcome Kym from Travel Babbles as my 13th follower. Kym is an ice hockey wife that has lived in way too many fun places. Please go and say hi!!
- I work for an accounting firm and busy season is in full swing. No more time for homework and reading new blogs while working! :(
- Last night, I saw Vay-row-nic as in Veronic Dicaire. She is a French Canadian singer impersonator/entertainer. She has an amazing repertoire of female voices that she can imitate like Katy Perry, Celine Dion, Lady Gaga just to name a few. Her energy is incredible and moves all over on stage with her dancers. She has become a Las Vegas sensation and is now doing a Quebec tour.
- I
needWANT a pair of Hunter boots. Bidou proposed that I set myself a goal and if I achieve it and can therefore buy the boots. I love that idea. Now I need to find a goal. Any ideas are welcomed? - Daddy is leaving tomorrow for a month stay in Florida. I am sad since he his my number one friend that I like to hang out with when Bidou is not around.
- A couple more evenings and I will be done reading Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell (book 6 of 2014 reading challenge). I am immensely enjoying the many 80s references included in the book.

February 24, 2014
bragging rights are in order
The 2014 Olympic Winter Games came to an end yesterday and the Canadians RULED when it came to ice hockey by wining the GOLD for both the Women and Men's Hockey. Go Canada Go!!

February 21, 2014
i found a name for my disease
Sorry folks for my absence during the last couple of weeks but I have recently self-diagnosed myself with this not so rare disease called the "February Blahs"!!
I was trying to explain this so called disease to my husband Bidou when I decided to Google it and was shocked to find out that there is a real disease called Seasonal Affective Disorder or fittingly S.A.D. I have read that 10% of the population in the northern hemisphere suffers from it and I perfectly fit the mole since I live in very cold climate called the province of Québec.
So in case you have been wondering what I have been doing during my convalescence...
- I read Labor Day by Joyce Maynard - book 5 of my 40 book reading challenge! I had no clue with regards to the plot and adored and highly recommend this book. I really want to see the movie but I will wait until it is available on DVD.
- I actually read all of my favorite blogs during my absence from the blog world but never left a single comment since it just didn't feel right leaving comments !! Am I weird?
- Last Monday and Tuesday, I was off from work with this nasty flu/cold/cough... not really sure what it was but now feeling much better.
- Bidou and I celebrated Valentine's day by going out for supper at Meule et Caquelon - a fondue and raclette style restaurant. I also bought him these adorable cupcakes that a co-worker made and he fooled me by thinking that he had ate 3 out 4 of them for lunch by posting this picture to my Facebook account.
- Last weekend, I binge watched season 1 of Call the Midwifes on Netflix and I am planning to do the same this weekend for season 2.
- I have been studying hard on my 2 on-line courses that I decided to take last January.
- I have been keeping up (like sorta!) with 10,000 steps a day on my Zip FitBit.

January 30, 2014
worst blogger award goes to.....

January 24, 2014
the pit & the peak link-up
January 21, 2014
another book link-up thanks to Kate - love!
Don't you just adore the blogsphere?? This morning I had ABSOLUTELY nothing to write about. I thought about writing about the frigging COLD weather. It's like -40C with the wind shield factor outside or about how hard it is to walk in -40C weather since my daily goal is to walk 10,000 steps. But then I decided to link-up with Pink Hells, Pink Truck and Life with a side of coffee since their link-up as to do with BOOKS. Thanks Kate !
What are you reading right now?
I am reading La Poussière du Temps - Sur le boulevard - tome 3 by a French Canadian author named Michel David. This author always writes tretralogies (fancy word that means 4 books... I needed to look that one up!). What I LOVE about this author is that he writes stories that revolves around families during the late 1890's through 1950's and all of his stories are based in Quebec - a lot of history!!
Out of the 16 books that will be turned into a movie adaption, which one are you most looking forward to seeing this year?? See link.
Without a doubt, The Fault in our Stars. I bawled reading the book so I can just image what I am going to look like in the movie theatre.
What was the worst book you've ever read??
I love to be entertained when I read. I usually read the first 100 pages of a book... and if I need to force myself to read... I usually ditch the book. I recently couldn't finish The Last Letter from your Lover by Jojo Moyes. :(
What foods or beverages have you spilled on a book while reading?? Anything good??
I can honestly say that I have not spilled anything good on a book (maybe only a drop of coffee here and there), however, back in the 1990's my dog destroyed a copy of Mommy Deareast by Christina Crawford. Was that a sign or what??
Do you picture characters as popular film or tv actors?? Or do you create a whole new person in your head?
Sometimes I do but not always. Like recently, I read House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout and since it is her memoir, I was able to google pictures of her. It turns out that she is a dead ringer to Princess Kate but if you would have asked me what she looked liked.... I would have said someone like very thin and ugly!
Out of all the authors you've read books by, who's brain would you want to pick the most?
I am a huge Lisa Genova fan, therefore, I would love to find out where she comes up with her ideas!
This was fun… !!!! I will definitely be back next month for another link-up!
January 20, 2014
Life lately
I love taking on-line courses. I usually take one course per semester and it fits perfectly in my schedule. The last couple of years I have been working towards a Nursing Unit Clerk certificate through a local college. Last Tuesday was the start of the winter session. When I opened the syllabus for the course, I noticed that there was no final written exam only quizzes and assignments. I therefore decided there and then to sign up for another course. So English Fundamentals is the second on-line course that I am taking this semester. I felt so ambitious last Tuesday... Now I think I am regretting it!
I bought a Fitbit Zip over the weekend. I know I am suppose to be on a spending freeze but I really really wanted needed it. A great motivation tool to get me active and stay focus on shedding a couple of pounds before bikini swimsuit season. My goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day and to increase my water intake.
I watched this movie twice over the weekend. The first time on Saturday night with Bidou then again Sunday morning. It is no blockbuster nor Grammy Award worthy movie… just a simple little movie about real people and a real relationship.
I did not read much during the weekend. However, Bidou left this morning for Peru then he needs to stop in San Diego for business and he will be gone for more than a week. Therefore, I foresee many lonely evenings ahead with just me, a book and Kloé!
January 14, 2014
what bidou told me once
The following is a true conversation that occurred a couple of years ago between my darling husband of almost 10 years and myself... don't worry we are still happily married!
Me: "Do you think if we wouldn't be married, we would at least be Facebook friends?"
Bidou: "I really don't think so!"
Me : "Why?"
Bidou: "You know... we don't have a lot in common"!
Me: "okay!"
January 13, 2014
January 10, 2014
new followers, skincare and facials
This little korner of mine is growing and I am so excited. Welcome to Kate from Another Clean Slate. Kate is an avid reader therefore, I knew that I would like Kate from the start. You read a lot... you are automatically my new best friend. Also I would like to welcome Angie from Angie's Angle. She has the cutest little dog named Miss Roxy.
Now for the today's subject - Skincare and Facials! but first a little background with regards to my facial skin. As a teenager, I did not have a great complexion. Pimples and I were best friends. Then in my late 20's, my dermatologist prescribed the medication Accutane at a very low dosage. It help a a lot. Since being in my mid-30's and my 40's, I have been taking great care of my skin. I buy high end products and get facials 4 times a year.
Here are the skincare products that I use. For my everyday skincare, I use GM Collin. This company was founded in France but is now based in Montreal, Quebec (love to use Canadian stuff!). Another skincare company that I use is Aquafolio. I must admit, that I do spend a great amount of money for these products but they are worth it.
I really enjoy the pampering and relaxation when receiving a facial treatment. There are great benefits to facial treatments. My skin always looks so cleansed and fresh (and a little red) when leaving the spa that is why I always schedule them for late evenings. I have a scheduled facial treatment for tonight (and yes it is included in my spending freeze). What a great way to finish off this busy week!
January 9, 2014
Spaniels are my kind of dog
I have always been a lover of dogs but I must admit that I have a crush on all Spaniel breed dogs and I think it is because of their sad little faces. Growing up we briefing owned an English Springer Spaniel called Tammy but then learned that my brother was allergic to dogs therefore we gave her to my grandparents.
As an adult and living on my own, I adopted an 8 month old American Cocker Spaniel named Camille from the SPCA. That little four paw creature brought me so much joy during her 15 years. She passed away in November 2012. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of my baby girl!
Recently we welcomed a King Charles Cavalier named Kloé into our home and she has been the highlight of my life. You can read about it here.
Since welcoming her into our lives, I have learned that King Charles Cavaliers are affectionate, playful, intelligent little dogs. Cavaliers are not kennel dogs. Because of four hundred years of close contact with their owners and their development as lap dogs, they make wonderful companions. They are happy, outgoing, loving little dogs who want to love you and be loved, to run and play in a safe place, and to sleep in soft beds.
I have included this link if you are interested in finding out more about King Charles Cavaliers.
Thanks Jade and Karly Kim for giving me yet another reason to write about my Kloé.
January 8, 2014
Wednesday's love ~ the short and sweet version
Loving that I am already reading Book 3 of the year (my 40 book reading challenge) ~ A House in the Sky and this book is a pager turner. Thanks Jen for the recommendation.
Loving that I am on track in regards to my spending freeze. See my rules and regulations here.
Loving that Downton Abbey Season 4 is finally on North American television.
Loving that Costco replaced my broken Keurig coffee machine for FREE even though I purchased it a little over 2 years ago.
And finally Loving this recent picture I took of my baby girl~ Kloé ! This is what happens when I decide to fold every blanket on couch!

January 6, 2014
most depressing day of the year & weekend recap
I heard on the news this morning that today is the most depressing day of the year! Very interesting since I am feeling fabulous this morning. It's back to work and back to a normal routine ~ finally! Yes guys... I love routines!
I started reading "Just One Year" by Gayle Forman during the weekend. It is the sequel of "Just One Day". I also had my first of four lattes allowed during my spending freeze (see here for my rules and regulations).
I made these on Sunday for my lunches this week. Instead of having them for breakfast, I will have them for lunch with a salad. Don't they look yummy? eggs, red peppers, oignons, cheddar cheese, fresh cilantro. Bake in oven at 350 for 25 minutes.
I have never mentioned it on the blog but I LOVE to play cards. My Daddy, Bidou and I play this particular card game that we call "neuf" (French word for the number nine) every time we get together and always on Sundays after supper.

January 3, 2014
2014 reading challenge and new follower
I promised myself that I would welcome every new member that joins Kouisse's Korner as a follower via Google. Bienvenue to Stephanie from Not Entirely Perfect!! Stephanie recently wrote a post on planners that I just loved reading. Thanks for joining and being my 9th follower.
There is no secret that I love to read. I actually prefer reading than watching television or a movie. I was 19 years old when I read my first real book ~ Family Album by Danielle Steel. I had never heard of Danielle Steel back then and remember devouring and collecting all of her books during my 20's. I only started discovering other authors in my 30's (so glad that I saw the light and ditched Danielle Steel). And since then, I have been hooked to the best pastime ever.
I love to challenge myself to reading goals. Last year's reading goal was 40 books but I only read 30 books (and hopefully one day it will be 52 books). You can find my list of books here. I am challenging myself again this year to read 40 books. I love to keep track of the books I read in a small green notepad that I have had for years but recently I have been using Goodreads and love it. Goodreads is the largest site for readers and recommendations in the world. If you are a member of Goodreads please do not hesitate to add me as your friend (please click here).
Last night I finished (book 1 of 40) reading Souvenirs de la Banlieue - les jumeaux". It is the 6th and last book of a French Canadian series from Rosette Laberge.

About Me

- A first time Mom of Baby M at the ripe old age 44 years old. Loving my new role of being a stay-at-home mom.
Social Buttons
- worst blogger award goes to.....
- the pit & the peak link-up
- another book link-up thanks to Kate - love!
- Life lately
- what bidou told me once
- weekend
- new followers, skincare and facials
- Spaniels are my kind of dog
- Wednesday's love ~ the short and sweet version
- most depressing day of the year & weekend recap
- 2014 reading challenge and new follower