The second, I read Sarah from Sweet Happening post yesterday, I knew that I was going to steal her idea for today. I love books... therefore, any posts that involves books... I am stealing!!!
Thanks Sarah for letting me steal this! :)
Thanks Sarah for letting me steal this! :)
Author you've read the most from
Without a doubt it would be Jodi Picoult - I have read all of her novels except the one that she co-wrote with her daughter.
As an young adult, I read way too many Danielle Steel's but haven't touched one of her novels for the last 10 years.
As an young adult, I read way too many Danielle Steel's but haven't touched one of her novels for the last 10 years.
Best Sequel Ever
I have read so many sequels that I would have a hard time choosing!
I have read so many sequels that I would have a hard time choosing!
Currently Reading
As I am writing this, my current novel that I am reading is The Longest Ride by Nicolas Sparks... but I will probably finish it tonight!! Therefore, I can start a new novel this weekend.
Drink of Choice while reading
Grande Skinny Latte
E-Reader or physical book
I read on my mini-ipad. I still own the first generation Nook (from Barnes & Nobles) that I use for the beach and for outside reading.
Fictional Character that you would have probably date in High School
John from the book Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. I was so excited when Channing Tatum played him in the movie version.
John from the book Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. I was so excited when Channing Tatum played him in the movie version.
Glad you gave this book a chance
The Roses by Leila Meacham. Just when I was going to abandon the book ... I read just a little more... and it turned out to be one of my favourite novels.
The Roses by Leila Meacham. Just when I was going to abandon the book ... I read just a little more... and it turned out to be one of my favourite novels.
Hidden Gem Book
The One That Saved Us by Jenna Blum
Important moment in your reading life
When I discovered a couple of years ago that I LOVE reading French Canadian Authors. Michel David is my FAVOURITE french author. He writes historical novels from Quebec.
Just Finished.
Mensonges sur le Plateau Mont-Royal (book 1 of 2) by Michel David.
Kind of books that you will not read.
Longest book you read
Do sequels count? Mémoires d'un quartier by Louise Tremblay-D'Essiambre. This series contains 12 books... so I figure 300 pages per book... for a total of 3600 pages!
Major book hangover because of ....
Still Alice by Lisa Genova. If you haven't read... it is a must!
Number of books you own
NONE - When we moved into a condo, we decided to downsize. We had so many books and decided to donate them all. Once we finished reading a book, Bidou and I usually pass them on to a friend or co-worker. My motto - books are meant to be shared.
One book you have read a multiple times
I don't think I have read a book more than once.
Preferred place to read.
My bed or any couch at Starbuck's or Second Cup.
Quote from a book that inspired you.
No quote
No quote
Series that you started and need to finish.
I read book 1 of the Hunger Games and never picked up book 2 nor book 3. I will probably never finish reading the series... I am opting for the movies instead. :)
Three of your all time favourite books.
Sarah's Key by Tatinay De Rosney
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
Family Tree by Danielle Steel - This was my first real book that I read as a young adult. The book that got me addicted to reading.
Unapologetic fangirl of...
The Shopaholic series by Sophia Kinsella
Very excited for this release
Just one year by Gayle Forman (The first book is called Just one Day!)
Just one year by Gayle Forman (The first book is called Just one Day!)
Worst book habit
If one of my favorite authors releases a book... I need to get my hands on a copy THAT day.
X- marks the spot - the 27th book on the shelf
No idea!
Your latest book purchase
I usually get all of my electronic books from an old high school friend (wink! wink!)
Zzz snatcher book (the latest book that kept you up late!)
Zzz snatcher book (the latest book that kept you up late!)
Marley and Me by John Grogran - needed to know if Marley was going to be okay!!

I think I need to steal this idea for next week.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to check out some of your book recos!!!
ReplyDeleteI love Sarah's Key. Such a good book. :)