September 17, 2015

2 Cabinets in 2 Weeks and Thanks to Amanda...

Funny how the littlest things make me so so darn happy! You should have heard me scream when I received a comment from Amanda regarding my recent post after being away from this blog for forever.  She even mentioned in her comment that she was "just thinking of me". How funny that a complete stranger would be thinking of little old me...
Thanks Amanda you really made my day! :)

Now on to the main reason for this post...
2 cabinets that desperately need some attention...
I am giving myself 2 complete weeks to clean, to purge and to organize...
My deadline is October 2nd.

I swear, that I have not cleaned out the lower corner kitchen cabinet since moving into the condo back in September 2011 (picture above). I rarely go into this cabinet, therefore, I am not too sure what treasures I will be find.

The other cabinet is a self standing white Ikea cabinet that is located in the bathroom (picture above). It holds a pot-pourri of stuff... like makeup, hair and body products, my travel cosmectic bag etc.

And I just couldn't end this post with cabinet pictures, so the above picture is of my Baby M eating her very first very mini baby soft ice cream cone at McDs.  And she loved it! I wish I could have captured her tiny lips smacking the vanilla ice cream.