September 9, 2013

Going Live!!

I have been simmering at the idea of starting a blog for some time now but been trying to establish the “perfect date” to go live.

January 1st is four months away so that “perfect date” would not be too feasible in this instance.

So how about September??  In many ways the month of September is like a January 1st… and here are my reasons why I think so…

·      You can find many agendas that start in September like my new Lily Pulitzer agenda that I just purchased and love!
·      People tend to start a new exercise or a diet regime in September.
·      New resolutions are always made in September… I know I do!
·      September is the official Back to School month. I am always eager to find new on-line courses and I have an obsession to always purchase a new pencil case and a new lunch box when September approaches… my husband think I am strange!

I know that I want my first post to be on a Monday because I once heard that the perfect weekday to start something new is on a Monday.

So with much consideration, my first post will be published on Monday, September 9th, 2013.

I am dedicating this place as my very own corner “Kouisse’s Korner” where I will write about books that I enjoy reading, Starbucks coffee and their mugs that I like to collect, anything-everything Vera Bradley (even tough I am in minority when sporting mine) and also about my latest obsessions… and frankly I obsess with something new every week… you wait and see!!

So with further ado…. welcome to my little Korner!!


  1. I always consider September a time of new beginnings. Congrats on your new blog!

    1. Thanks for being my very first blog commenter!! Please come back soon!
