Unfortunately, we cannot have kids naturally. We decided a couple of years ago to inquire about adoption. We did our research. Fostering in view to adopt was the route we decided to pursue.
My husband and I went through the tedious interviews, took the "how to become foster parents in view to adopt" mandatory courses and did all of the homework required… it was a very long process. All worth it since we were added to their waiting list.
Last Wednesday at preciously 2pm, I received a telephone call from our social worker. She stated that she needed to discuss something with us a.s.a.p. Bidou was on the road for work but thanks to technology, I set-up a 3-way call and in a matter of minutes we were listening to her proposal.
A teenage girl gave birth to twins a couple of weeks ago and they needed a stable home for the time being and if we were ready to take them in! It was an urgent case and we needed to act now! The social worker was foreseeing a permanent placement. Exactly what we been wanting and dreaming for.
Let me tell you that my head\brain went on overdrive.... the plan was the following....
- Thursday - clean out the second bedroom that is being used as an office, pack boxes and bring them to my Dad where we would store them in his basement for the time being.
- Friday - literally go crazy at Babies R Us since we possess zero baby items and needed to purchase EVERYTHING.
- Saturday and Sunday - set up the babies room. Visit and get to know the twins routines and needs.
- Monday - pick up the twins and bring them home.
Everything was planned out. For Pete's sake, I even told my employer that I was going on maternity leave... they understood since I had previously told them about my adoption plans.
It was a done deal until we got a call mid-morning on Friday... our social worker was in tears... a judge had decided to give the young mom a second chance and that the twins were going home with her on Monday.
Everyone was in SHOCK. The biological mother has a heavy background with the Children's Aid (it seems that she also has another 5 year son placed in the foster system) plus many more problems.
Needless to say, that since last Wednesday it has been a roller coaster ride for Bidou and I. On Wednesday we were becoming parents and not even 48 hours later... we were not. On a positive note, I am thanking God that we had not meet the babies nor had welcomed them in our home when the judge ruled for the young mom.
Now I am praying that these precious little girls will have a good life. I know that we would have loved them to death...

Wow, I cannot imagine the rollercoaster ride you must have gone through. I'm also disappointed with the judge. I can tell you from personal experience that the legal system here in Toronto does not always do enough for children in need. Judges tend to take the side of the single mother even though she may not be responsible enough to take care of her own children. I wish those children the best!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that happened. Like having your heart ripped out.
ReplyDeleteOh honey... My heart breaks for you two. I'm sorry this happened. :(
ReplyDeleteJe suis tellement désolé pour vous. J'ose espérer que le dictons:" y'a rien qui arrive pour rien" sera vrai. Je vous souhaite la meilleure des chances dans votre processus. Le jour ou ça arrivera car ça va arriver, tu sais que je suis la pour toi. Bisous