November 5, 2013

10 favorite things link up

I LOVE link-ups. I am a new blogger and I am still learning the ropes. I have found that linking-up is a great way to find inspiration and I am making a ton of friends doing it... bonus!

Today I am linking-up with Brianna that blogs over at Endlessly Beloved.  She hosts a monthly Ten Favorite Thing link-up. This month's theme is 10 things you are thankful for and here is my list:

First and the most important is that I am thankful for being healthy.  Without your health there is literally not much living.

The second thing on my list is that I am totally thankful for Bidou.  He is the best husband a girl can have. He spoils me rotten!

Third... I am thankful for having such a nice Dad.  My Daddy is my best friend and my hero. I love him to pieces and pray to God every day that he will be among us for a very long time. 

Fourth... thankful for having a full time job. We use the extra $$$ for all the extra stuff we enjoy!

Fifth... thankful for all the books I can read.  Reading is the best pastime ever!

Sixth... thankful for KloĆ©.  She has only been with us for a short period but she brings so much joy and laughs to my life.

Seven... thankful for Starbucks coffee.  Especially, for Grande Skinny Lattes :)

Eight... thankful for all of the vacations we take.  I try to enjoy every moment of every trip.

Nine... thankful for all of my extended family and friends.

And for number ten... I am very thankful for this list to be over since I can not think of anything else.... :)


  1. Great list, all wonderful things to be thankful for!

  2. Awesome! Thank you so much for linking up!! What a great list! I'm so excited for next month, hope to see you back!

  3. Visiting from the link up! I was super excited to see that you're a Canadian blogger! I love finding other blogging Canadians, I also love Starbucks! :)

  4. Hi there! I'm stopping by from the link-up! :) I have LOVED the link-up. I'm new to blogging as well and it really is an awesome way of finding new blogs and meeting new people! I'm hooked! :D I love that you put books on your list. I'm a HUGE bookworm. :)
