February 28, 2014

what does hunter boots, a fitbit and a goal have in common??

If you are wondering what Hunter Boots, a Fitbit and a Goal have in common... please read on....

I have had my Zip Fitbit since January 19th, 2014 and I have averaged 6,803 steps a day. When purchasing the device, I was aiming for 10,000 steps a day but it has been so darn cold and that is my excuse! 

On yesterday's post, I mentioned that Bidou suggested to achieve a goal before buying the boots. I received some interesting goals, thanks folks! but decided to incorporate my Fitbit into this goal and to reward myself if I maintained a 10,000 step count a day for the next 21 days. I have heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, therefore, this is definitely a win-win situation!! Yesssss!!!

Starting tomorrow (March 1st, 2014), I need to average 10,000 steps in the next 21 days.... with this being said, if I achieved my set goal I will reward myself by buying a pair of Hunter boots.  

I will need all of the encouragement, so please add my profile if you use the FitBit application.

So now I think you get the picture of the Hunter boots, the Fitbit and the goal???

February 27, 2014

my life this week

  • New follower alert! I would like to welcome Kym from Travel Babbles as my 13th follower. Kym is an ice hockey wife that has lived in way too many fun places. Please go and say hi!!
  • I work for an accounting firm and busy season is in full swing. No more time for homework and reading new blogs while working! :(
  • Last night, I saw Vay-row-nic as in Veronic Dicaire. She is a French Canadian singer impersonator/entertainer. She has an amazing repertoire of female voices that she can imitate like Katy Perry, Celine Dion, Lady Gaga just to name a few. Her energy is incredible and moves all over on stage with her dancers. She has become a Las Vegas sensation and is now doing a Quebec tour.  

  • I need WANT a pair of Hunter boots. Bidou proposed that I set myself a goal and if I achieve it and can therefore buy the boots. I love that idea. Now I need to find a goal. Any ideas are welcomed?
  • Daddy is leaving tomorrow for a month stay in Florida. I am sad since he his my number one friend that I like to hang out with when Bidou is not around.
  • A couple more evenings and I will be done reading Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell (book 6 of 2014 reading challenge). I am immensely enjoying the many 80s references included in the book.  
I took this picture this morning.
Lately, Kloé's routine is waking me up at 6 am, going outside to do her business, eats her breakfast and runs back to bed to snuggle up with Bidou.
How precious!!!

February 24, 2014

bragging rights are in order

The 2014 Olympic Winter Games came to an end yesterday and the Canadians RULED when it came to ice hockey by wining the GOLD for both the Women and Men's Hockey.  Go Canada Go!!

For some reason, I really got involved this year with the Olympics when it came to hockey. Note about myself ~ I do not mind watching a NHL hockey game here or there during the season but in no way that I would consider myself a hockey fan. So I surprised myself by inviting my Dad and brother over for some french toast and to watch the final men's game that was scheduled for Sunday at 7:00 am. What an early start to a Sunday but don't worry... I took a nice long nap on the couch during the afternoon!

Did you watch any Olympics??

February 21, 2014

i found a name for my disease

Sorry folks for my absence during the last couple of weeks but I have recently self-diagnosed myself with this not so rare disease called the "February Blahs"!!

I was trying to explain this so called disease to my husband Bidou when I decided to Google it and was shocked to find out that there is a real disease called Seasonal Affective Disorder or fittingly S.A.D. I have read that 10% of the population in the northern hemisphere suffers from it and I perfectly fit the mole since I live in very cold climate called the province of Québec.

So in case you have been wondering what I have been doing during my convalescence...

  • I read Labor Day by Joyce Maynard - book 5 of my 40 book reading challenge! I had no clue with regards to the plot and adored and highly recommend this book. I really want to see the movie but I will wait until it is available on DVD.

  • I actually read all of my favorite blogs during my absence from the blog world but never left a single comment since it just didn't feel right leaving comments !! Am I weird?
  • Last Monday and Tuesday, I was off from work with this nasty flu/cold/cough... not really sure what it was but now feeling much better.
  • Bidou and I celebrated Valentine's day by going out for supper at Meule et Caquelon - a fondue and raclette style restaurant. I also bought him these adorable cupcakes that a co-worker made and he fooled me by thinking that he had ate 3 out 4 of them for lunch by posting this picture to my Facebook account.

  • Last weekend, I binge watched season 1 of Call the Midwifes on Netflix and I am planning to do the same this weekend for season 2.
  • I have been studying hard on my 2 on-line courses that I decided to take last January.
  • I have been keeping up (like sorta!) with 10,000 steps a day on my Zip FitBit.
So did you miss me????